Why Customer Support Defines a Great Medical Billing Software

Why Customer Support Defines a Great Medical Billing Software

When choosing a medical billing software for your practice or billing company, there’s certainly no shortage of options to choose from. From all-in-one solutions to practice-specific software, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the array of options and all of their shiny features.

However, when choosing your medical billing software, one feature should be at the top of your list: high-quality customer support.

Customer support is integral to medical billing software because it helps ensure that the software is being used effectively and efficiently. Good customer support can help users with technical issues, answer questions about the software, provide training and guidance on best practices, and offer suggestions for improvement. This can lead to increased satisfaction among users, improved data accuracy and processing, and ultimately, better revenue management for healthcare providers. In the medical billing process, quick resolution of any issues can greatly impact the financial stability of a healthcare practice, so providing efficient and effective customer support is crucial.

In this blog, we discuss, in more detail, why a medical billing software is only as good as its customer support.


It All Starts With Onboarding

The onboarding process must be straightforward and stress-free. It not only represents your introduction to your new software but also the beginning of a customer support relationship.  You expect that your onboarding customer service staff are not only knowledgeable about the software but know how to best integrate it into your business providing an operational foundation to fully support your business both now and in the future.

A simple, structured onboarding process led by a responsive, highly-informed customer support team quickly puts your business on the road to success. It ensures that your team is immediately comfortable and familiar with the software. This means that there is less likelihood for data entry errors and more efficiencies to be realized in the short term.


Accuracy Is Everything

One of the benefits that you expect when purchasing a medical billing software is improved billing accuracy.  However, as the old adage goes, “garbage in, garbage out.”  Not only should your customer support team know all the ins and outs and nuances of the medical billing software, they should be able to work with you, the user, to best implement it. It is also critical that as a user, you are engaged throughout the implementation process to ensure that your needs are being met, and you encounter fewer roadblocks in the future. Without an engaged user, it becomes much more difficult for the support team to do its job well.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for customer service teams to lack knowledge, experience, and training themselves.  This can lead to poor billing system implementations causing confused end-users and data inaccuracies — precisely what you purchased a new medical billing system to avoid.  A quick look at customer reviews and testimonials will give you a good indication of the likelihood of encountering this issue.

Ensuring a software’s customer support team is US-based is also a great way to find higher-quality support teams. Many software solutions attempt to slash costs with international support teams, but the quality of their service tends to be considerably lower than domestically based teams. 

After all, why have a team of product experts on-call and ready to assist end users if these “experts” aren’t well-versed in every nuance their medical billing software has to offer?

Having a knowledgeable customer support team in your corner can be a tremendous source of competitive advantage. Knowing that if you have an issue, you have a full team of responsive, customer service representatives ready to help you is not only reassuring, it is business critical.

What good is investing in software if you can’t figure out how to use it, and its support team is unhelpful? 

A great support team helps you get the most out of your software solution, and in turn, the most out of your business.

This is precisely why customer support is so critical to the effectiveness of medical billing software. 


Spend Less Time Waiting, And More Time Doing

When you submit a support ticket, you need help now, not three days from now. Perhaps the only thing more frustrating than receiving sub-standard support is receiving none at all, and waiting long periods of time for a response. 

Beyond being a nuisance, waiting for a response from a support team can cause any issues you encounter to grow in severity, and become more costly to resolve. 

Best-in-class customer support ensures that you spend less time waiting around for answers, and more time acting. 

Instead of waiting around for a support team to get back to you, you should be spending time perfecting your revenue cycle, perfecting your processes, and improving your business. 

If your goal is maximizing the efficiency of your practice or billing company, excellent customer support is an integral part of that equation. 


You Will Run Into Problems

No matter what medical billing software you choose to manage your business, you will, at one point or another, encounter difficulties that require the help of a support team. 

Engaging with customer support is an inevitable part of using software, but this in no way has to be a negative experience. 

At EZClaim, we pride ourselves on being a customer service company that happens to sell medical billing software. We recognize how integral great support is to your experience, which is why we provide best-in-class support from the onboarding process forward.

If you are interested in learning more, we encourage you to schedule a free consultation to learn more about our software, and the industry-leading US-based support team behind it. 




EZClaim is a leading medical billing, scheduling, and payment software provider that combines a best-in-class product with exceptional service and support. For more information, schedule a consultation today, email our experts, or call at 877.650.0904.

EZClaim Support

EZClaim Support

From year to year, EZClaim’s Support Team has one thing in mind—to improve continuously—and 2021 has been no different. EZClaim’s Support Team has implemented a new Service Desk—powered by Hubspot—which includes enhanced automation, automated surveys, a comprehensive Knowledge Base, and more.  In 2022, we will launch an interactive online chat and more.

Hubspot has allowed EZClaim to go to another level in supporting customers, and with our customer’s help, we can get even better!  EZClaim launched an updated ticket website (www.ezclaim.com/ticket) that provides categories to choose from when creating a ticket.  These categories are linked to a group of team members that are experts in those categories.  That means, if you select the category ‘Importing from EMR,’ your question will go directly to the importing experts.  For more tips to help get your answers quickly, please view this support tickets tip page!

EZClaim can also use your help by providing feedback from your support ticket experiences and how easy EZClaim’s Support Team makes it to get your issues resolved.  After a ticket, you submit is closed, you will receive a survey in your email.  The survey asks you to rate the experience on a scale from 1-7 and provide any comments that you may have from your experience.  These survey responses help tremendously by giving us feedback for things we’re doing right and things we need to improve.  EZClaim’s mission is to improve continuously, and the best way to improve is to get feedback!

EZClaim is excited to continue to improve the customer experience and we look forward to implementing new and better things in 2022!  We would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and patronage throughout each and every year.

We hope everyone is safe and healthy going into the holiday season!

All the best,

EZClaim Support

As a medical billing expert, EZClaim can help the medical practice improve its revenues since it is a medical billing and scheduling software company. EZClaim provides a best-in-class product, with correspondingly exceptional service and support. Combined, EZClaim helps improve medical billing revenues. To learn more, visit EZClaim’s website, email them, or call them today at 877.650.0904.

Medical Billing Service Has Used EZClaim for Over 15 Years

Medical Billing Service Has Used EZClaim for Over 15 Years

Deborah Rieser founded Spectrum Medical Billing Services in Anchorage, Alaska 15 years ago to make extra money to help with paying the family’s bills. Today, she owns a thriving medical billing service with a team of “twelve lovely ladies”—as she likes to refer to them—that services clients nationwide. Rieser originally selected EZClaim’s medical billing software platform—because of its pricing structure—to use for her medical billing service.

Over the years, since her original purchase, she has upgraded to each new EZClaim version, which adding new features and efficiencies.  Recently, she has made the transition to EZClaim Cloud, and continues to use it exclusively today.

With team members nationwide, Rieser prides herself on training her billers on properly classifying billing for medical offices so that there are minimal insurance denials. She is very particular about this since one of the reasons Deborah began billing was the insurance qualification struggles she had for her daughter with Autism. So, accurate billing is ‘personal’.

Recently, we found time to interview Rieser about her start in the industry, the ups and downs of being a business owner, and what hard-fought expertise she has gained that might help others considering to start their own medical billing service. 

EZCLAIM: When did you get into the medical billing industry and why?
RIESER: “I always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and I had an orchid business out of our house. Then my daughter, who was born with Autism, started working with an Occupational Therapist (OT),  and they came to me to help with billing. I thought about it, and after a few weeks, I took it on. That was back in 2005.

“At that time, my daughter had over 75 volunteers and therapists in the community work with her from age three to age five, and had 50-60 hours a week of therapy. Today, she is a sophomore in  university, has a boyfriend, is driving her car, and is thriving. From all of that, I have always felt the need to give back to the community for all their help. So, I used my business to take on other Pediatric, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy clients, as well as, using my experience to help patients take care of their billing needs and get their bills paid by insurance.”

EZCLAIM: What are you passionate about when it comes to billing?
RIESER: “For me, the biggest thing that I am passionate about is seeing my clients [medical offices] getting paid from insurance claims. I also enjoy helping patients get properly classified during medical visits, so claims are accepted. I have learned a lot from the mistakes and errors that have led to denied claims. From my experience, I can help medical practices observe their approach to patients’ needs so that services qualify when billing insurance companies. Being able to offer that to my clients is very satisfying.”

EZCLAIM: What are some of the challenges you have had to overcome?
RIESER: “Originally, we grew word-of-mouth. I didn’t even want a website at first, but now I do have one. Going from one client to 65 is challenging because as your clients grow, your staff grows. Recently, I lost a client. You then have to decide what you’re going to do with your staff. The hardest part is that, for a business owner, your business consistently goes up and down. That fluctuation can be stressful. For me, I deal with that by going outdoors. My husband and I will go for a walk in nature and that will help relieve my stress.”

EZCLAIM: What advice would you offer others in the billing industry that have similar experiences?
RIESER: “If you’re starting your own business, make sure it’s one you love. Know that there will always be highs and lows. Also, be sure to price yourself accordingly. You can’t go too high or people will look elsewhere.

“I do want to step back and highlight that some of my billing practices only do 2-3 claims a week, and that’s why I love EZClaim. The price of the software. When I was growing, I was working on EZClaim “Advance,” which is being retired. So, when I started looking around at other software providers, they were billed on a ‘per provider cost.’ Fortunately, EZClaim “Cloud” billed based on the number of concurrent users, which worked for me.” 

EZCLAIM: How has your relationship with AMBA (American Medical Billing Association) benefitted you?
RIESER: “I just joined last year in 2019, thanks to EZClaim and Dan Loch’s referral. I love that group. I joined their Facebook group because they have very useful information for us billers. I recommended that my team members join as well. They are good at supporting US-based companies and put the focus on supporting the group.”

EZCLAIM: What would you tell people who are wondering if EZClaim Cloud is right for them?
RIESER: “The transition to EZClaim Cloud was easy. I was worried about the providers and the tax ID’s, but it all was very smooth. I would add that customer support was very helpful. As daunting as moving things over felt, it was very smooth. I attribute that to the planning and support.”

EZCLAIM: What would you say would be a strength of someone who is good at billing and coding?
RIESER: “It is important to be a very good communicator, professional, out-going, and enjoy what you do. One must be able to communicate with providers over denials, success, celebrations, and always keep talking with the staff and the providers. Also, always try to put yourself in the patients’ shoes by offering patience and compassion. Lots of times patients don’t understand their benefits and why they are denied. So, try to explain in layman’s terms. They understand better and appreciate that. It ends up being a good connection with the patient, and benefits you as the biller, too.”

EZCLAIM: Final thoughts?
RIESER: “I am grateful to EZClaim for their services.  As a business owner, you have to monitor expenses and things can add up fast. So, I am thankful for EZClaim Cloud and its pricing structure. That has helped Spectrum Medical Billing Services to grow and thrive.”

[ The above answers were paraphrased as closely as possible to the original answers given by Deborah Rieser on November 25, 2020 ].

EZClaim is a medical billing and scheduling software company that provides a best-in-class product, with correspondingly exceptional service and support. Combined, they help improve medical billing revenues. To learn more, visit EZClaim’s website, e-mail them, or call a representative today at 877.650.0904.