Reports – Aging

This page gives you a listing of all of the Aging reports available in the EZClaim Billing software.

checkmark Accounts Receivable Report – Sample– AR report showing outstanding charges, credits, and open balance to the patient, primary and secondary insurances. Includes last charge, last payment, and aging. Can double click to drill down and see detail data. Each patient group is printed on a new page.

download Accounts Receivable Report by Date Range – Sample – Normal AR report but allows you to use a date range.  We suggest using the Claim Bill Date as the date range source.  If you do not want to see $0.00 balance patients, select the ‘Not Paid’ option in the Claim Status criteria on the reports window.

download AR Report Aged to 360 Sample – Removes charge, payment and adjustment columns. Shows aging columns out to a year.

download AR Report by Payer Sample– Groups the data by primary payer

download AR Report Aged by Service Date Sample– Same as the standard AR report except the aging is calculated by the service date instead of the bill date.

download AR Report Aged by Responsibility Change Date – Same as the standard AR report except the aging is calculated by the responsible party change date.

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