Reports – Payment

This page gives you a listing of all of the Payment reports available in the EZClaim Billing software.

checkmarkOther Adjustments – Sample – Shows patient name, adjustment date, amount, and the claim ID. Grouped and subtotaled by the adjustment code.

checkmarkPayments By Date – Sample – Shows patient name, claim ID, payment date, patient payment, insurance payment, secondary payment, contract adjustment and other adjustment. Grouped and subtotaled by patient group and payment date. IMPORTANT: A payment date must be entered for the payment to show on the report.

checkmarkPayments By Reference – Sample – Shows the patient name, service date, payment type, payment date, and amount. When the report is run, it will ask for the reference to show. Enter the reference number or use the * character as a wild card. Example, AB* will show all payments will a reference starting with AB.

downloadPatient Payments by Reason Code – Sample – Patient payments grouped and totaled by reason code.

downloadPayments by Reference by Rendering Provider – Sample – Payments by Reference report grouped and subtotaled by rendering provider.

downloadPayments by Date by Billing Provider – Sample – Payments by Date report grouped and subtotaled by billing provider.

downloadPatient Payments by Date – Sample – Shows patient payments only includes the ref 1 and 2 fields plus the reason code and payment notes.

downloadPayments and Adjustments by Reason Code – Sample – Shows payments and adjustments by reason code. Prompts you for a reason code to filter by.

downloadServices without Insurance Payment – Sample – Basic 5 report converted to Advanced

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