EZClaim Blog

EZClaim’s blog is an up-to-date source of information about the company and the medical billing industry.

How To Improve Medical Billing Collections

How To Improve Medical Billing Collections

With patient payment responsibility increasing each year, medical practices need to be extra diligent in collecting patient payments. This includes sending accounts to collections when necessary. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make collections easier and more effective—both of which contribute to more revenue for your practice. Here are three ways to improve the collections process at your office.

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Insights from a Medical Billing Expert

Insights from a Medical Billing Expert

In this interview with a medical billing expert and co-owner of Elite Billing Resolutions, Vicky Greenwood, we talk about dealing with the challenges in owning a billing company, some important skills that every medical biller needs, and the value of choosing the right medical billing software. In our time speaking with Vicky, we focused on topics that will aid, contribute, and help grow the skills of the medical billing community.

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Medical Billing Technology Series

Medical Billing Technology Series

Medical billing technology is always changing, and usually much quicker than one expects. While your current processes may be working for you, there just may be something better available to reduce staff time and increase your revenues. The thing is, technology has made huge strides in the medical billing industry in recent years, offering a number of ways to send and receive data faster, while still protecting sensitive patient information.

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What Is Meant by Price Transparency?

What Is Meant by Price Transparency?

It’s a story we hear too often. A person visits a hospital for a medical issue—whether it be a trip to the emergency room for a broken arm or a pre-scheduled appointment for a headache that just won’t go away—and receives a myriad of services and tests. Then comes the dreaded bill in the mail a few weeks later. Although they may inquire about an estimate at the time of service or have an idea of their coverage, the exact financial responsibility is often a mystery until that bill arrives. While the changes vary greatly, one thing that is certain: many people have trouble with their out-of-pocket costs. So much so that a recent survey from The Commonwealth Fund found that 72 million Americans have some sort of trouble with medical debt.

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Medical Bills and the Price Transparency Rule

Medical Bills and the Price Transparency Rule

In October 2020, Waystar surveyed 1,000 consumers about their experiences with medical bills, and awareness and attitudes towards the upcoming price transparency rule. More than half of respondents have received an unexpected medical bill, meaning that they assumed a service was covered by insurance and it ultimately was not! Survey results here.

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Modernizing Medical Billing Payments

Modernizing Medical Billing Payments

It is now very important to modernize medical billing payments capabilities since upwards of 80% of medical services that don’t get paid by insurance, never get paid! Are you tired of providing medical services and not getting paid? Have you billed patients for their medical visit or co-pay just to find out that the bill showed up in collections? Are you looking for a better way to use modern technology to increase the number of medical claims being paid on time?  If you own a medical practice or work in the medical billing industry, then chances are you have answered each question with a hearty “Yes!”

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4 Tips To Reducing Claim Denials in 2021

4 Tips To Reducing Claim Denials in 2021

89% of respondents had seen a noticeable increase in medical claim denials with 51% percent describing the increase as “significant.” In the worst case, denied claims end up as unexpected—and sometimes unaffordable—bills for patients. Here are some tips.

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Fee Schedule – 3 Key Items to Consider

Fee Schedule – 3 Key Items to Consider

Do you have a fee schedule? If so, do you maintain it on a regular basis? Well, this is an easy step to skip, but an annual review could put some extra cash in your pocket and help you keep a better handle on how much collectible money you have outstanding. Here are three things you should consider when creating or maintaining your fee schedule.

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