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Who We Serve-Schedule Some Time

Schedule Some Time

Would you like to talk with a real human being to have an interactive consultation where you can ask ALL of your questions? Well then, just click the button below to schedule a time that would be convenient for you.

Who We Serve-Watch A Webinar

Watch Demonstration

There are a variety of pre-recorded product demonstrations that address a variety of features—like the “auto posting” system, working with “Find Grids,” and EDI reports. So, click the button below to select the one(s) that you want to view.



7 Tips for Patient Collections

7 Tips for Patient Collections

Collections aren’t the most glamorous part of running a practice. Perhaps the only thing worse than making collections calls is receiving them! Unfortunately, collections are necessary and if done correctly, it will allow you to collect on accounts that have sat stagnant for months, sometimes years.

Maximizing Revenue Cycle Efficiency

Maximizing Revenue Cycle Efficiency

The revenue cycle includes three distinct parts of the practice, referred to as the front-end, middle, and back end. Unfortunately, most of the time there is little coordination between the three areas which can lead to more claim denials and lost revenue for the practice. Therefore, adding a revenue integrity team to your practice/facility dramatically improves operational efficiency, compliance measures, and reimbursement rates.

HIPAA Training Standards Everyone Needs to Know

HIPAA Training Standards Everyone Needs to Know

Both Covered Entities, and Business Associates, must require HIPAA training for all workforce members that access protected health information (PHI) or electronic protected health information (e-PHI). In this article we will discuss training standards and requirements that every healthcare organization must know.



Overview Video Of EZClaim Medical Billing Software



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