EZClaim Blog
EZClaim’s blog is an up-to-date source of information about the company and the medical billing industry.
Watch Medical Billing Webinar on Telehealth
A recent EZclaim medical billing webinar on Telehealth with keynote speaker Sandy Giangreco Brown of CliftonLarsenAllen, LLP is now available to view.
Getting Paid for Telehealth Visits
Telemedicine was already growing in popularity prior to the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. So, as the adoption rate increases, EZClaim clients may have questions about sending telemedicine charges and getting paid for Telehealth visits.
Ransomware Targeting Medical Billing Companies
Ransomware Targeting Medical Billing Companies: As the number of healthcare providers taking advantage of Telehealth increases during this uncertain
time, the number of ransomware attacks continues to increase as well.
CMS HHS Updates Telehealth Regulations
CMS has recently announced new regulations, and established patients now have availability to Telehealth to reduce or waive cost sharing.
Price Transparency in the Marketplace
Consumers are the most important member of the healthcare team and are better collaborators in their care when they know all the variables and their required responsibilities in the process.
Triage from the Car: What Else Should You Be Protecting?
Because of COVID-19, some practices are doing triage from the car before they will allow a patient into their offices.
EZclaim partner, Alpha II, to Present COVID-19 Billing Changes
As guidelines for coding and billing of COVID-19 services are revised Alpha II is implement these critical changes to regulations and coding guidance.
Managing Collections During COVID-19
Managing collections during COVID-19 will be different than it was in the past. EZclaim and BillFlash can help you streamline your collections.
The 2020 MIPS Program – Any Changes?
The MIPS Program for 2020 remains unchanged: The data requirements and thresholds have not changed. Failure to comply will result in an automatic 9% penalty on every Medicare Part B claim.
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