Get More with the EZClaimPay Patient Portal

Get More with the EZClaimPay Patient Portal

Does your team spend countless hours on the phone attempting to collect payments from patients? Do you know how much of your valuable time is spent performing double data entries of those payments just to keep your books balanced? Do you find yourself wishing you had a one-stop-shop for all your patient payment needs? Well, you are in luck. EZClaimPay has the patient portal feature which allows you and your team to not only save time but makes it easier to collect and record payments.

In 2020, EZClaimPay was launched as a solution to the ever-changing environment of payment reconciliation. This was in response to customers’ difficulties with credit card payment processing. EZClaimPay provides for consolidated reconciliation and a single point of contact for support to make accepting credit and debit card payments painless.

If all that is not enough, the patient portal feature allows for the following:

  •       Medical staff to text and email patients their statements directly.
  •       Allows patients to make payments on their mobile devices or online.
  •       Gives patients the ability to save and print their own receipts.
  •       Patient payments go directly into your EZClaim account.
  •       24-hour a day convenience.

EZClaimPay allows for more freedom to allow patients to pay online, reduced billing errors, increases revenue, and a simplified payment process making the EZClaimPay and the patient portal a no-brainer! For more information contact us or call directly at 877.650.0904.

Medical Bills and the Price Transparency Rule

Medical Bills and the Price Transparency Rule

New Patient Survey About Price Transparency Rule

With the cost of insurance premiums and deductibles both on the rise, patients have begun taking on greater responsibility for paying for healthcare than ever before. In return, they are becoming more discerning shoppers and expect more from the patient experience that their providers are delivering. One of the biggest steps that have been taken to create a more standardized, consumer-like experience is the introduction of the final price transparency rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

More than half of consumers have received an unexpected medical bill

Despite the $3.81 trillion that was spent on healthcare in 2019, America’s healthcare payments system has long remained opaque and broken. Patients are frequently faced with unexpected or surprisingly high medical bills, discover too late that a provider they’d been told was in-network was actually out of network, and are forced to wait 60-90 days to receive their medical bills.

Patients are more concerned about billing than the quality of care

In October 2020, Waystar surveyed 1,000 consumers about their experiences with medical bills, and awareness and attitudes towards the upcoming price transparency rule. More than half of respondents have received an unexpected medical bill, meaning that they assumed a service was covered by insurance and it ultimately was not, or the amount they expected to pay out of pocket was different from the bill they received.

> > > CLICK HERE To Read the Results of the Waystar Survey < < <



EZClaim is a medical billing and scheduling software company that provides a best-in-class product, with correspondingly exceptional service and support. Combined, they help improve medical billing revenues. To learn more, visit EZClaim’s website, e-mail them, or call them today at 877.650.0904.

[ Article contributed by Waystar ]